Friday, December 3, 2010

Im a Senior

Class of 2011!
Today it hit me. I am a Senior!  At this time next year so many things will be different. I will be 19 going on 20, a graduate from high school and in college majoring in who knows what. My life could either be a complete mess or organized as can be like my room.I was sitting in my speech and communications class today listening to some song that made me think, there are so many things in high school that I actually do love. Like Spirit week, in college there will be no more Spirit,Homecoming or Doernbecher week. I was thinking about school and the things we go through. In reality we make enemies in school rather than friends, say we hate school when we should be grateful for each one of our amazing teachers we have learned from, we fall in and out of love several times trough out our teenage years, and lastly walk the halls like we are cool, treating people like crap when we should be showing them kindness. I thought hey why not enjoy my last six months of school and recognize that I do love high school and I can't imagine not walking these halls as a student for the rest of my life. I am going to cherish all my high school memories and friends until I am finished with my high school career

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